Queering the Marriage of the Sea @ “Materiality at the Intersection of Ecology and Religious Studies” COnference

Honored to present my "Queering the Marriage of the Sea" at the conference “Materiality at the Intersection of Ecology and Religious Studies”,

organized by @fondazionegcini (the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations and Spiritualities), Harvard Divinity School (Center for the Study of World Religions), @harvarddivinity, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (THE NEW INSTITUTE Centre for Environmental Humanities – NICHE, @nichevenicecf, the Center for the Study of Lived Religion, and the Department of Asian and North African Studies), University College Dublin (Irish Research Council Government of Ireland) @universitycollegedublin

looking forward to meeting all these extraordinary academic researchers, among these Greta Gaard, that I consider a giant for who, like me, has crossed feminism, sexuality and ecology

May 21-23
