The Miracle Worker
The Miracle Worker (2006-2012) is a sort of user's manual to waste energy and time. Videos, schedules, graphs, images, document every detail of 40 useless actions. A cachophony of images and sound to evoke the break of the production of utility. The project appears as an intentional disabling program, embodying at the same time the inoperative character and the aims' redundancy/emptiness of human action.
Technical Details
40 digital videos, sound, loop; 5 circular photo on plexiglass, 1m diameter; 40 circular photos on plexiglass, wood circular frame, 16 cm diameter each; 40 drawings on paper, india ink, each 20x30 cm.
Centro Per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, video screening installation; Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, "Visuale 1.0", exhibition; Careof, Berchidda, Sardinia, Progetto Arti Visive, "Stazione eretta", exhibition and catalogue; Berlinerpool and Corpo 6 Galerie, Berlin, "Out of Place. An ongoing archive", exhibition; Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan; Cattedrale Ex-Macello, Padua, "Quotidiana 07", exhibition and catalogue; Klaipeda Art Center, Lituania.
A Talk about The Miracle Worker | Art Shots #5 | curated by Federica Tattoli
The Miracle Worker | Stazione Eretta | curated by Mario Gorni and Care Of | Ex Caseificio Laber | Berchidda | Sardegna | 2014
The Miracle Worker | Stazione Eretta | curated by Mario Gorni and Care Of | Ex Caseificio Laber | Berchidda | Sardegna | 2014