Sea Fist
In Sea Fist the artist performs, in the bubbling waters of Vulcano (Eolian Islands, Italy, Volcanic Attitude International Festival 2023), a minimal eco-sexual practice: her fist repeatedly penetrates the surface of the sea; it is a hole of water and squirts. From her fist the shockwave propagation dissipates as a craving on the water surface. The underwater fumarola responds with bubbles of sulfurous steam: hot volcanic gases emmitted from rocky holes in the seabed, in corrispondence of active volcanic activity. The sea surface appears rebollent. Or an answer to the fisting. During the walk to get to the Sea Fist performance site, the geologist Monia Procesi, researcher at INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) told to the participants about the phenomena of fumarole, and volcanic underwater gas emissions.The live performance is about the sensual and contrasted relation between body and sea, and about the emergency to queering the heterormativity/homonormativity that we project on waterscapes, as on animality.
Technical Details
20 minutes live performance in the sea; 3 b/w prints on photographic paper from negative film, each 15x21 cm, edition of 3; hd live performance video documentation realized by Volcanic Attitude. Video/photo credits: Davide Pompejano (Pomona Pictures and drone footage by Emilio Messina)
Exhibitions / Collaborations / Publications
OPR Gallery, Milano, solo show; Volcanic Attitude, Volcano, Eolian Islands, live performance.
Antennae Journal | Queering Nature | Issue #63 | curated by Giovanni Aloi
Sea Fist | live performance | Vulcano Island | Volcanic Attitude Festival | 2023
Sea Fist | live performance | Vulcano Island | Volcanic Attitude Festival | 2023
Sea Fist | live performance | Vulcano Island | Volcanic Attitude Festival | 2023
Sea Fist | Live Performance video realized by Davide Pompejano (Pomona Pictures) and drone footage by Emilio Messina)
While walking to the Sea Fist performance site, the geologist Monia Procesi, researcher at INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) told to participants about the phenomena of fumarole, and volcanic underwater gas emissions.
Sea Fist | still from underwater fumarole, volcanic gas emission | hq video | Vulcano Islands | 2023
Sea Fist | still from underwater fumarole, volcanic gas emission | hq video | Vulcano Island, Eolian Islands | 2023
Sea Fist | still from underwater fumarole, volcanic gas emission | hq video | Vulcano Island, Eolian Islands | 2023
Sea Fist | video installation + 3 photographic prints | solo show at OPR Gallery | Milano | 2021
Sea Fist | 3 photographic prints | solo show at OPR Gallery | Milano | 2021
Sea Fist | photographic prints | edition of 3 | solo show at OPR Gallery | Milano | 2021
Sea Fist @ Antennae Journal | Queering Nature | Issue #63 | curated by Giovanni Aloi |
Sea Fist on Third Shelf Journal | Fluids Vol. |